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29 Glorious Benefits to Being Hydrated!

"If you’re reading this: Drink a glass of water. You likely need it, as 75 percent of Americans are described as “chronically dehydrated.” While achieving a state of hydration might seem enviable and impossible, fret not because it’s doable. And the health benefits are not only encouraging, but they are also downright inspiring in the immediate short term, but especia [...]

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A Sure Fire Article by Wikihow on Launching Your Journal.

"Keeping a journal is a great way to process your thoughts and emotions. Additionally, it helps you remember your life experiences. If you’re ready to start journaling, decide on what type of journal you want to keep. Then, express your thoughts, experiences, and ideas in your journal entries. To keep up your journaling habit, challenge yourself to write every day."  Artic [...]

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Enjoy These 6 Positive Outcomes During “Shelter at Place” Time.

"While it may be difficult to see the light in this dark time, it's possible that the COVID-19 pandemic can impact your mental health for the better. Of course, it's natural that you might not feel very positive right now nor have the capacity to be optimistic as you confront these complicated circumstances and ensuing anxieties. That's okay—whatever you're feeling, your [...]

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Which Happy Hormones Make You Contented and Fulfilled?

"There are four chemicals that exist in our bodies that are responsible for making us feel our lives are satisfying, happy, content and fulfilling. Each of these chemicals is responsible for different experiences in our life that lead to fulfillment. These chemicals are dopamine, endorphins, serotonin and oxytocin,"  writes Dr. Shelly Zavala for the Newport Beach Independent [...]

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15 Tips to Being Happy, Calm, Rewarded & Loved!

"When it comes to happiness and your brain, we first need to talk about Serotonin. It is your "Happy Neurotransmitter,"  allowing you to feel happy, calm, and fulfilled. Neurotransmitters are what your brain uses to communicate from brain cell to brain cell.  Without the proper levels of neurotransmitters freely flowing through our mind and body, we are operating with limit [...]

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29 Glorious Benefits to Being Hydrated!

"If you’re reading this: Drink a glass of water. You likely need it, as 75 percent of Americans are described as “chronically dehydrated.” While achieving a state of hydration might seem enviable and impossible, fret not because it’s doable. And the health benefits are not only encouraging, but they are also downright inspiring in the immediate short term, but especia [...]

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A Sure Fire Article by Wikihow on Launching Your Journal.

"Keeping a journal is a great way to process your thoughts and emotions. Additionally, it helps you remember your life experiences. If you’re ready to start journaling, decide on what type of journal you want to keep. Then, express your thoughts, experiences, and ideas in your journal entries. To keep up your journaling habit, challenge yourself to write every day."  Artic [...]

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Enjoy These 6 Positive Outcomes During “Shelter at Place” Time.

"While it may be difficult to see the light in this dark time, it's possible that the COVID-19 pandemic can impact your mental health for the better. Of course, it's natural that you might not feel very positive right now nor have the capacity to be optimistic as you confront these complicated circumstances and ensuing anxieties. That's okay—whatever you're feeling, your [...]

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