- in Maintain Fitness by Timothy Kirk
What Is The Best Home Workout by an Olympic Gold Medalist?
“I love the endorphins after a good workout and I love feeling a sense of community when we are doing something together,”
…says gold medal Olympian and ESPN analyst Jessica Mendoza, on staying fit during the Corona-virus outbreak.
This fun article only takes about 2 min to read and another minute to watch the video.
It reinforces that maintaining fitness releases feel good endorphins.
There is a daily pay-off to working out and feeling great!
To see the short video and read the ESPN article Click Here .
…Note: There are maintainers all over the world! I like to look up a location associated with the person and see places I have never seen before.
Today’s location is Jessica’s birthplace, Camarillo, CA. Never stopped in there, but have driven through on Hwy 101. Click Here to learn a little bit more about it. Enjoy! TK. (04/17/20 – 1).
Journaling Jokes:
Happy gym workout photo by Anastase Maragos, Unsplash.